Loyal Pit Bull Leapt Into Action To Save His Owner From Venomous Snake

In Davidson County, Tennessee, Haley McCormack was en route to her porch when her dog Arlo intervened to save her. A poisonous copperhead snake was concealed in the nook next to the stairs, but Haley had missed it. As the snake retreated to attack, Arlo lunged at it, grabbing its tail and shaking it back and forth.

Despite getting bitten in the face three or four times, Arlo saved his owner from the snake. Arlo was taken to the BluePearl Pet Hospital in Nashville, where he received anti-venom, painkillers, and CBD oil. He had severe swelling in his neck and face, but he is recovering well and should make a full recovery.

McCormack told WTVF that it was “extremely remarkable to realize how much dedication and love he had for me, to risk his own life for mine.” “We’re lucky to have each other, we are.”

Unfortunately, Arlo wasn’t the only dog that day who received treatment for a snake bite at BluePearl Pet Hospital, according to the facility. The animal hospital reports that this summer, there have already been more than a dozen cases of snakebite in the neighborhood.

The hero in the video below will astound you. Dogs never cease to amaze us with their unwavering love and numerous ways in which they act as heroes in our lives. Enjoy telling the story!

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