Dog Saved From Cruel Testing Facility Can Lastly Wag Her Tail With Happiness

Dog Saved From Cruel Testing Facility Can Lastly Wag Her Tail With Happiness

Dog Saved From Cruel Testing Facility Can Lastly Wag Her Tail With Happiness

Libby began her life off at an animal-testing lab in rural North Carolina called Professional Lab and Research Services, Inc.

( PLRS), known just by the number tattooed on her ear: 534120. It was a headache scenario that no animal deserves to experience.

Thankfully, the facility was shut down 7 years back following a PETA investigation that revealed employees that screamed at animals, slammed them into cages, and smeared their skin with toxic chemicals. Libby was saved and put in a home.

When she initially showed up to her new guardian, she was scared and desperate for affection. She crept up onto her mother’s belly yet was too frightened to stand. She was tackled her very first walk, however the dog simply plodded along and kept to herself.

It took a lot of patience, love, and care, but Libby currently loves going on walks, having fun with her 2 adopted canine siblings, and also snuggling. She’s living the life with a loving guardian, good food, and also a soft bed.

Libby went from being bone-thin with decayed teeth and also filled with hookworms and also tapeworms to the stunning dog she is today. She still leaps at loud noises and is afraid of her chain because of her harsh past, but that’s to be expected. The important thing is that she’ll know nothing however love for the remainder of her life.

There are some pictures at the beginning of the video that might be tough to watch, yet the happy ending is a must see.

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