There is no circumstance in which the abandonment of an innocent animal is justified, especially today where more and more organizations exist aimed at assisting and sheltering those animals that require a home.
Once Marie and the seven puppies are much better, they will start searching for a long-term home for them.
However, there are people who remain to leave dogs as needy as the situation of Marie adrift. This adorable dog was left by her owners although that she was pregnant and can give birth at any time.
Marie’s owners relocated house and just left the canine in front of the porch.
Tania Capelluti is the founder of a shelter in Costa Rica called Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue. Capelluti traveled to Costa Rica for a time as a tourist; However when he recognized that there were too many abandoned animals in the streets, he knew that he needed to do something to help them.
He founded the sanctuary, and with the help of lots of people he managed to build a strong network of people ready to help and give temporary homes to lots of animals.
Capelluti’s initial plan was to do a yoga retreat in Costa Rica and instantly return to Germany.
When he was notified regarding Marie’s case, Capelluti had actually currently returned to his nation, however he did not hesitate to denounce the awful abandonment that this canine had suffered.
” He has no food or water, just his huge tummy. The poor point still waits day and night before the door with the hope that they will come back for it “.
Shortly after, Wynn Mackey offered to assist the adorable dog. Mackey currently has a number of dogs in his house, but when he discovered of Marie’s unfortunate story, he knew he needed to make room for her.
Before Mackey provided Marie a temporary home, neighbors in the area had actually cared for the dog.
Mackey recognized it was a matter of time prior to Marie gave birth, so he prepared a special bed for her for when the big day showed up. Days later on, Capelluti celebrated the birth of Marie’s cute puppies from Berlin.
” When I opened up Facebook I found her smiling with her 7 young puppies.”
The wonderful dog had developed a deep relationship with Mackey. He rejected to leave her side, and when it was time to deliver, she chose to do it in her rescuer’s bed. Marie is a extremely loving and protective mom with her cubs.
We raise our voices versus the awful abandonment suffered by this wonderful dog. Luckily, she managed to get help just in time and bring to life seven beautiful puppies.
We welcome you to share this moving tale to celebrate the huge job that these types of organizations do everyday.