Poodle Covered in Dirty Dreadlocks Freed From Pounds of Hair

A flatbed vehicle brought up to the Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) with 20 animals who remained in such terrible shape that the hearts of shelter team damaged at the sight.

There were dogs, cats, sugar gliders, a snake and a turtle. All the animals were in horrible shape, covered in feces and crammed inside boxes. On top of everything, they had endured a lengthy drive in the hot summertime sun and were dangerously near to suffering heat stroke. But without thinking twice, the shelter instantly sprung right into activity to save their lives. They also put out a plea for help, as their sources were strained from the sudden influx of the neglected animals.

Their appeal read: “Let’s simply be genuine. It’s been a rough week here at HSNT. These cases hurt our hearts, but we get up daily and give our best to the pets in our treatment.” Their appeal was heard and their was an outpouring of support. Amongst the animals surrendered were 3 poodle blends that needed emergency treatment. “These animals are in agony from the weight of their dreadlocks weighed down by dirt, feces and urine,” HSNT composed. One particularly– Pierre– was matted so terribly that he could not walk without pain.

” Their matting was so severe, they had limited range of motion,” Cassie Lackey of HSNT informed the Dodo. “Their dreadlocks were intertwined and painful when they walked, as if each action pulled on fur. We had NO idea what was under the matting. We could be dealing with maggots, cysts, injuries, flea infestation and so a lot more.”

The HSNT’s regional PetSmart donated free grooming from their elderly groomers. It took hrs to carefully groom Pierre without causing him discomfort. He literally had to be sheered like a sheep.

They removed 5 pounds of fur.

Pierre’s eyes looked unfortunately at them as they continued to shave him.

They provided him a bath to wash away the fleas and eliminate the last vestiges of dirt.

A flatbed truck pulled up to the Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) with 20 animals that were in such terrible shape that the hearts of shelter staff damaged at the sight.

There were dogs, cats, sugar gliders, a snake and a turtle. All the animals remained in horrendous shape, covered in feces and crammed inside boxes. On top of everything, they had endured a long drive in the warm summer sun and were dangerously near to suffering heat stroke. But without thinking twice, the shelter immediately sprung into activity to save their lives. They also produced an appeal for help, as their sources were stressed from the sudden increase of the neglected animals.

Their appeal read: “Allow’s simply be real. It’s been a harsh week right here at HSNT. These cases harm our hearts, however we get up daily and give our best to the pets in our treatment.” Their plea was heard and their was an outpouring of assistance. Among the animals surrendered were 3 poodle blends that needed emergency care. “These animals remain in agony from the weight of their dreadlocks weighed down by dust, feces and urine,” HSNT wrote. One in particular– Pierre– was matted so badly that he could not walk without pain.

” Their matting was so serious, they had actually restricted range of motion,” Cassie Lackey of HSNT told the Dodo. “Their dreadlocks were intertwined and painful when they walked, as if each action pulled on fur. We had NO idea what was under the matting. We could be dealing with maggots, cysts, wounds, flea infestation and so much more.”

The HSNT’s local PetSmart donated totally free grooming from their elderly groomers. It took hrs to thoroughly brush Pierre without causing him pain. He actually needed to be sheered like a sheep.

He’s now on the next chapter of his life– one filled with love and respect.

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