Her Owner Tied Her To A Sanctuary Entrance Drove Away, And The Dog Can Only Wait
RSPCA Woodside Animal Facility staff members arrived at job one early morning to see a dog tied to the front entrance. They really did not recognize how…

Puppy Who Had Teeth Pulled Out By Former Owner Is Now ‘Living His Best Life’ In Foster Home
It’s mind-boggling how cruel some humans can be to animals. We’ve heard of pets being rescued from terrible home situations in deplorable circumstances. But, happily, there are…

Dog Hanging On For Life In The River Obtains A Helping Hand From A Sea Friend
If dogs can talk, this one would have quite the story to inform! A Tampa resident noticed her dog had actually left via the fencing, and when…

Special-Needs Dog Was Told She’s A Monster & Too Ugly For A Home
When this small dog named “Freddie Mercury” was in a shelter, it was tough to see past her external appearance. She required 17 teeth out. Her small…

Stray German Shepherd Cried Out On The Street Not Knowing What Was Following
A stray German Shepherd had been craving days on the street, so somebody called for help. And it was Hope For Paws who arrived on scene! The…

She Sheds Tears Because for The First Time She Feels Human Love
LuLi is here! She was an exhausted homeless mother. She appears to be young, but she has been pregnant. We don’t know anything about her past. Scabs…

Abandoned Puppy Receives Warm Welcome From The Various Other Shelter Rescues
Osito believed life was good, and then his family chose they no longer wanted him. Felicia Quispe Arana of Colitas Sin Techo, a sanctuary in Peru, learned…

Two Adorable Dogs With Severe Facial Deformities Become Inseparable Best Friends
Picasso, a five-year-old dog, was born with a crooked nose, while Newt, a one-year-old dog, was born with no upper jaw after being bitten by his mother…

Small Puppy Was Chained Out Right Here To Guard A Parking Lot With Next To Nothing
After the huge guard dog died, the owners generated a small pup to guard their parking area. They put a chain around his neck without collar and…

Special Needs Puppy Passes Miraculous Milestones, Thanks To Her Cat-Rescuing Foster Mom
On November 28, a very special puppy reached yet another incredible milestone. Her name is Sasha, and she celebrated her 12 week birthday on that happy day….