Worried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her Babies

Worried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her Babies

Worried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her Babies

Northeast Animal Rescue received a call concerning a stray female dog who was seen wandering near an overpass. Residents would see her from time to time, strolling on the roadside, waiting on food from passersby.

When rescuers showed up, they recognized that she was a nursing mother. Now the rescue went from rescuing one dog to saving however several puppies she had.

Worried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her BabiesWorried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her Babies

Worried Mother Dog Tracks Down Rescuers And Asks Them To Rescue Her Babies

The mama dog was extremely nervous but she knew that rescuers existed to help, so she decided to lead them to her babies.

They followed her to a culvert pipe that the puppies were hiding inside. Once mother brought rescuers to her 5 babies, she wagged her tail and recognized that they were finally safe for the first time.

The mother went into the pipe, and rescuers thought she would carry her puppies out herself, but she turned around and walked back toward the rescuers.

One of the rescuers, named Will, was able to crawl inside the pipe and gently grab all of the pups– 3 girls and two boys.

They brought the puppies and mother back to their rescue, fed them, and kept them warm.

They decided to name the mama dog Sierra, that the saved described as a “responsible and competent mom.”

They named the puppies Holly, Willow, Magnolia, Alder, and Parker. Thanks to Sierra, all of her puppies are now secure!

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