Wildlife Camera Shows Yellowstone Wolves Lovingly Looking After Their Pups

Yellowstone National Park is always full of life. While many visitors explore its vast landscapes, the real stars are the animals that call it home.

To understand these creatures better, scientists have set up cameras around the park that record all day and night.

These cameras provide valuable data about the animals living there. Sometimes, the footage even gives a unique glimpse into their lives.

Not long ago, scientists were watching clips of Mollie’s wolf pack — one of the park’s eight wolf groups. What they saw warmed their hearts.

A camera caught a mother wolf in the night, returning to her pack with something in her mouth. At first, it looked like she was bringing food for her young ones.


But as she came nearer, the researchers saw that it wasn’t food at all.

Yellowstone National Park shared on Instagram: “In spring, our biologists saw adult wolves from Mollie’s Pack coming to their den with unexpected items.

While young wolves wait for food, if there isn’t any, adults bring ‘toys’.”


To everyone’s surprise, the wolf was carrying bones and twigs for her pups to play with. This behavior seems to be a mix of instinct and care.

“It might be an instinct to bring such items to the den. This could protect adults from the pups’ sharp teeth,” the park shared.

It’s clear that wolf parents are not only providers but also great at keeping their young ones occupied. The grown wolves get a break, and the pups have fun. Everyone’s happy!

There have been more moments where wolves from Mollie’s group brought playful items for their little ones. Each moment is heartwarming.

This behavior will likely stop as the pups get bigger, but the scientists expect to see it again the next year.

Yellowstone National Park added, “Wolves in Yellowstone usually have 4 to 5 pups each year. The pups that make it through the winter will then help care for the next batch, bringing food and sometimes even toys.”

These young wolves will soon be grown-ups taking care of their own. But for now, they enjoy their playtime and learn about parenthood, one natural toy at a time.

h/t: The Dodo

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