Uncօmmօn Trying Pup Prօves Mаgnificence is within the Eye օf the Behօlder, Finds Excellent Ceаselessly Dwelling

Disfigured animals usually have a harder time getting adopted from shelters, but this dog got “lucky.” Lisa the 10-week-old puppy was brought to the Humane Society Of Silicon Valley with scars all over her face and inflamed eyelids that required surgery. The shelter staff weren’t sure they could find a home for the pup, until Christine Doblar and her family walked in.

“My girls were freaking out the whole time that somebody else was going to take her,” Doblar told The Dodo. “She’s pretty funky looking [but she] has a wonderful, sparkling personality. The fact that she was going to each of us, and just as loving and exuberant with everyone she greeted … we looked at a few more dogs but nobody could compare to that.” The family went back the same day and adopted Lisa, who they renamed “Lucky.”

10-month-old puppy Lisa was recently brought to a California shelter

Her face was covered in scars and her eyelids required surgery

“She could be hard to look at,” said HSSV’s Finnegan Dowling

The shelter staff weren’t sure Lisa would ever get adopted

Until Christine Doblar and her family walked in

“She just has a wonderful, sparkling personality…we looked at a few more dogs but nobody could compare to that”

The family decided to rename her Lucky, “cause we’re both lucky,” and adopted her that same day

Image credits: Christine Doblar

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