Two scared pit bulls huddled together for shelter on their way to a brighter future.
No reason was given, but when these two dogs were dropped off at the shelter by their owner, they clung together in fear, unsure of what their future might hold.
Bridget and Louie, as they are now called, were pictured upon being admitted to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas last week. Little did they know that one day later they would begin their journey to a new life.
Both dogs suffered from signs of neglect, manage, and matted fur. But they were attached, so the shelter decided to keep them together in their kennel.
Louie, the smallest black dog, had a barbed metal collar sticking out from his neck.
Bridget’s upper teeth have been ground down to the gums and appear to have had multiple litters. The condition of his teeth could be the result of chewing on metal, like a chain.
Dog hunters have also been known to file down a female dog’s teeth to avoid hurting the males during breeding or if they are to be used as bait animals. It’s heartbreaking, no matter the cause.
Both dogs were removed from the shelter by the Texas Animal Society rescuer. They were picked up by their foster mom and dad and quickly made their free ride to their temporary home.
When the two arrived at their foster home’s family, the first thing they did was stare at the couch. Bridget fell in love with it and “was finally happy and could sleep”.
They are enjoying the feel of the sun on their face while relaxing on the porch.
They become friends with their adoptive brothers.
Bridget’s tail won’t stop wagging no matter how many photos her adoptive mother takes.
And there is also plenty of time for cuddling.
The future looks brighter for Bridget and Louie. In fact, after a little more healing and recovery, the two were adopted through the Texas Animal Society website!
Bridget is now 100% heartworm free and has completed Canine Good Citizen training. And Louie has become a ‘social butterfly’, enjoying his time at a dog daycare and making lots of friends!
But the two are still each other’s favorites. They love to play together.
And they enjoy each other’s company.