For dogs, time does not come on the same way as it provides for humans. Our furry dogs have an extremely different sense of time, which is why, for them, a couple of hrs can turn into weeks. Faced with this situation, our pets tend to become more and more lonesome and abandoned.
Currently do you understand why your dog suffers every time you most likely to work?
A day far from home will certainly be simply a day for you, but it does not mean the exact same for your pet and that’s why he cries and leaps when you see him coming home from work. In case you really did not know, your puppy believes you are long gone. Something like this happened to the puppy in this story, that created a kind of abandonment phobia. And this reflects in your brand-new sleeping behavior.
To prevent being cast aside, the dog refuses to sleep and the situation leaves his family heartbroken. His humans simply want the boy to leave his injury behind, but it hasn’t been easy. The dog’s name is Choco and he has been adopted by a big family.
As it turns out, Choco’s moms and dads needed to leave home, and in order not to leave the little pet alone, they decided to leave him at the home of a human aunt. Although the dog only went someday without seeing them, since they picked him up the following day, that episode has been tattooed in his memory and now he rejects to sleep. His muscles come to be so tense that he does not let his body rest.
After 24 hours away, Choco returned to his property, but his nerves did not leave him calm. The poor little animal has rejected to lie down ever since and the family is worried because Choco has not relaxed. The poodle stays up at night and sometimes fatigue overcomes him, surrendering to Morpheus however getting up. The puppy sleeps standing and its owners recorded it on video clip.
In the recording you can see the tense muscles of the canine that nods its head in its sleep and at some point closes its eyes. The family fears that Choco will get ill and they are attempting to build their confidence in him once again, to ensure that he can sleep in peace and without the worry of being excluded once again.