This Rescue Dog With Distinctive Characteristics Is Taking Over The Internet

Every dog is unique in its own way. But Lucky? He’s a little extra special.

With his standout looks, this 2-year-old dog from Thailand always grabs attention.

Charice Fca Cha, his owner, adopted Lucky just a week ago. Yet, he’s already become a local celebrity.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

“When we’re out, Lucky is the center of attention,” Charice shared with The Dodo.

“People are always amazed and curious about him. Everyone wants to meet him.”

And it’s no wonder why.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

Lucky is blessed with heterochromia – a condition where each eye has a different hue.

One of his eyes shimmers in pale blue, while the other is a rich brown.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

But what truly makes him stand out is the dark mark above his blue eye, resembling a dramatic, cartoonish eyebrow.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

After sharing his pictures online, Charice faced some skepticism.

“There were those who thought I’d drawn on his eyebrow or edited the image,” she mentioned.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

Thankfully, despite his unique appearance, Lucky is perfectly healthy.

Though a bit on the leaner side when adopted, Charice is committed to ensuring he gets a nutritious diet.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

Lucky’s heart is his true charm, along with the bond he shares with Charice.

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

Always by her side, he’s a true companion. “He’s incredibly attached,” Charice fondly stated. “Always sticking close to me.”

Image source: CHARICE FCA CHA

The real beauty of Lucky lies in his loving nature and the deep connection he has with Charice. As they embark on their journey together, Charice is optimistic. “I foresee many joyful days ahead with my uniquely beautiful dog,” she concluded.

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