This Man Made a Place to Help Old Dogs That Couldn’t Find a Home.

In the world of dog adoption, age and appearance often play a significant role in the decision-making process.

Unfortunately, this means that many older dogs are overlooked, their chances of finding a loving home diminishing with each passing year.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Recognizing this heartbreaking reality, Russell Clothier stepped forward with a compassionate solution. He established Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary, a haven dedicated to providing a loving home for older dogs who have been abandoned or unable to find a family willing to adopt them.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

At Shep’s Place, these senior canines are not just sheltered; they are cherished. Named in honor of Shep, a 10-year-old Beagle-Basset Hound mix and the first dog adopted by Clothier, the sanctuary offers a warm, homely environment. Here, Shep, now a joyful senior dog, enjoys his days lounging on his own sofa and socializing with fellow canine companions.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

A Home for the Golden Years

Clothier’s vision for Shep’s Place was clear: it had to feel like a true home. He meticulously selected and renovated a house to meet the unique needs of his elderly guests. This idea stemmed from his time volunteering at another animal shelter, where he noticed the dismal adoption rates for older dogs.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Comfort and Care at Shep’s Place

The sanctuary boasts comfortable kennels, a special shower for the dogs, and a spacious patio for play and exercise. It’s a place where the twilight years of a dog’s life are celebrated with love and dignity.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Supporting Shep’s Place

Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary stands as a testament to kindness and empathy. It operates as a tax-free, 501c3 charitable organization, and welcomes support through donations. Your contribution can help ensure that these senior dogs continue to enjoy their golden years in comfort and joy.

Image source: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

H/T: Shep’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

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