This Horse Pretends To Be Dead When People Attempt To Ride Him, And He’s So Remarkable He Should Have An Oscar

This Horse Pretends To Be Dead When People Attempt To Ride Him, And He's So Remarkable He Should Have An Oscar

This Horse Pretends To Be Dead When People Attempt To Ride Him, And He's So Remarkable He Should Have An Oscar

If you thought that humans are the only lazy creatures who compose one of the most creative reasons in order to avoid effort, you could not be more wrong, because there’s a horse in Mexico who literally plays dead whenever someone attempts to ride him.

We can’t choose if this horse named Jingang is too smart or lazy, however the truth is that he was simply fed up with carrying people on his back all day long and came up with a fantastic method to avoid work.

When he plays dead, Jingang attempts to be as dramatic as possible, sticking his tongue out of his mouth and stretching his legs to the air.Sometimes he is up to the ground even before a human even attempts to ride him, and the sight of the whole situation is simply hilarious.

Scroll down to see some photos of this funny horse pretending to be dead, and watch the video clip at the end of the article.

Guess which one is Jingang?

Ok, it was a simple call. But look just how remarkable he is … He even sticks his tongue out of his mouth.

An award winning performance by Jingang.

He also extends his legs to the air. Such a masterclass.

Close your eyes, Jingang, nobody will see you’re breathing heavily.

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