This Cat and Dog Love Going on Adventures Together (16 Photos)

Henry wasn’t the first dog Cynthia Bennett planned to adopt. She initially had her eye on a golden retriever mix during an adoption event in 2014.

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However, Henry caught her attention by just sitting there, standing out with his size. “He was only 3 and a half months, but five times bigger than other puppies,” Bennett told The Dodo.

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Henry had long legs and a body resembling a wolf or husky. When Bennett approached him, he immediately curled up in her lap.

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“He just curled up into my lap and went belly up,” Bennett said. “From then, I decided he was coming home with us.”

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Bennett and her boyfriend are avid hikers and moved to Colorado for outdoor adventures. They were thrilled to find that Henry loved hiking with them.

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“I think we only had him for three days when we took him on our first hike,” Bennett said. Henry quickly climbed the tallest rock to look over the edge.

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“We call him our little mountain goat,” Bennett added. “He scares us to death with his love for high places.”

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Recently, Bennett and her boyfriend decided to adopt a kitten. “I wanted a rescue kitten,” Bennett said, seeking a cat to join their adventures.

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Bennett found Baloo, a Siamese mix, at a local shelter. Like Henry, Baloo immediately bonded with Bennett at their first meeting.

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“He ran right up to me,” Bennett said. “He played but wasn’t the most rowdy.” Baloo adored Henry and wanted to join him on hikes.

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“If I touch Henry’s leash, [Baloo] will start screaming at the door,” Bennett said. “He’s very vocal.”

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Seeing Baloo’s enthusiasm, Bennett began harness training him. Baloo quickly adapted and loved the outdoors.

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“He’s not the kind of cat we can leave home alone on the weekend,” Bennett noted. “I think he thinks he’s more a dog.”

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Bennett believes Baloo sees Henry as his mom. “I call them brothers, but Baloo thinks Henry’s his mom,” she said.

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Baloo is so attached to Henry that he enjoys sitting on Henry’s head. “He just flopped down and hugged Henry’s neck,” Bennett said.

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Baloo now joins every adventure Henry goes on. Bennett couldn’t be happier with how perfectly Baloo fits into their family.

Image source: Instagram

via The Dodo

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