‘The World’s Saddest Dog’ Loses Her Home Again, And Might Be Put To Sleep If Nobody Adopts Her Soon

Lana, the canine called ‘the saddest dog in the world’, is homeless again– and she might be put to sleep if she does not find someone to take her in. Back in 2015, a picture of Lana dejected in her kennel went viral

During that time, the family who adopted the shelter pooch returned her back, making her also sad to go on walks “It’s nearly like her world closed down,” Dahlia Ayoub of Mighty Mutts.

The reason they surrendered her back to the shelter was that Lana snapped at her human mother. The dog’s memories of being the runt of the litter might have triggered the urge to protect her food. However, the sanctuary located someone who provide her a second chance, and so Lana was adopted again. Up till lately, that is.

” Lana’s adoption did not work out because people want a dog they can pet and have fun with,” claimed Brenda Dobranski, founder of Rescue Dogs Suit. “Lana is a ridiculous fun girl but she is not the kind of dog that will let you provide belly rubs …”.

See Also : Grandfather’s Worries That the Dog Wouldn’t Recognize Him After a Year Apart, But The Excited Dog Rushes Towards Him

The dog only has till May 20 before she may be put to sleep. Are you that somebody who can accept Lana for the unique dog that she is? Can you make ‘the world’s saddest dog’ pleased again?

Back in 2015, a photo of Lana, ‘the saddest dog on the planet’ went viral.

At that time people who adopted this shelter dog returned her back, making her too upset to go for walks.

A shelter found people who provided Lana a second chance and it seemed this was the happy end

Sadly, lately she came to be homeless again and desperately needs owners to avoid euthanazia

” Lana’s adoption did not exercise because individuals desire a dog they can pet and play with”

” Lana is a ridiculous fun girl but she is not the kind of dog that will let you give tummy rubs …”.

The doggie has actually been through a lot and requires somebody patient to teach her how to rely on again.

Lana just has till May 20 prior to she might be put to sleep.

The scared dog requires somebody who can approve her for the unique dog that she is.

Are you the one who can make ‘the world’s saddest dog’ happy again?

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