The Retired Police Dog Appears To Cry Tears Of Joy When She Is Reunited With Her Trainer

The Retired Police Dog Appears To Cry Tears Of Joy When She Is Reunited With Her Trainer

The Retired Police Dog Appears To Cry Tears Of Joy When She Is Reunited With Her Trainer

A retired police dog can not stop crying after her former trainer decides to visit him on the spur of the moment. The touching scene was caught on camera and made netizens’ hearts melt.

Wangwang, an 8-year-old German Shepherd Dog, works as a sniffer dog at a security check in Xichuan County, China. But in June 2019, the loyal canine retired and obviously she and her handler separated.

While Wangwang is adopted by a lovely family, her supervisor continues to work as a patrol policeman. So last month, he was patrolling the area when his previous hair partner was staying and chose to pay her a visit.

It was a wonderful reunion for both of them, however Wangwang could not keep back her tears when she saw the man she loved so much. In lovable video shared by Xichuan police of Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, the retired canine is seen running around enthusiastically by her trainer. After that the tears started to fall!

” Wangwang’s hair transformed white but she ate enough, she gained weight,” Douyin wrote in his post. “It’s always difficult to say goodbye to your friends.”

This reunion won the hearts of everybody on the Internet. “Dogs are very faithful buddies, please treat them well!” One user’s comment. While another composed: “It can be claimed how much Wangwang misses her manager. You can inform when the canine greets you belly up.”

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