The Puppy That Carried In His Nose A Bag With Money To Pay For His Food Crossed The Rainbow

All puppies and other animals deserve all the love in the world, but there are certainly some that make history and leave us with an indelible mark.

That is the case of Buddy, a puppy who stayed in Argentina. He was 14 years of ages and was nationally called “El Perrito Canillita”, due to his vocation as a newspaper delivery boy.

Buddy came to be popular for his fantastic intelligence and cunning, because he went to the shop every morning alone with a bag in his mouth that contained money. He walked the streets very carefully, looking both ways before crossing.

When he reached the store, he waited patiently for the saleswoman to fill his bag while he excitedly waggled his tail, and then he went gladly back home.

However unfortunately, the world is now in mourning because Buddy has already crossed the rainbow.

He became famous for a video clip in which he could be seen walking from his proprietor Alberto’s newsstand to a store that sold pet food, in Castelli and Charlone.

” As much as you pushed him to cross, he wouldn’t do it if I didn’t give him the order. He was very smart. The very first time we went to the corner store to purchase food from him and I informed the girl that he was going to go alone with his bag and the cash, he took a look at me strangely, “

claimed his owner.

Buddy the dog would certainly purchase his food and return with it in a bag on his snout

Buddy aroused one of the most tender feelings in all the people who knew him. Albertó tearfully stated how one day a woman waited to collect her salary to pay for a taxi and come from afar to satisfy the famous puppy and just be able to pet him.

On another event, a neighbor of Alberto was revealed the video of the puppy in a restaurant in France.

He was quite a celeb!

Alberto claims that buying little Buddy was never ever in his plans, but that his daughter, who was only 10 years old at the time, saw a film and wanted a canine just like it.

Although he made her see that it is best to adopt, by the coincidences of life they just offered him a puppy, who was the last of a litter that had been left behind by his mother. So he paid a symbolic price for him.

The owner of the newsstand is extremely happy to have been the human father of such a good canine, which has earned the appreciation of thousands. But certainly, he feels very depressing that he is no longer with him.

Because it was so popular, a neighbor provided part of his land to be hidden there, in the location where Friend lived. So Alberto has the peace of mind that he can visit his remains whenever he wants.

“His examinations were perfect, he fell apart in a issue of days. She needed to assist him stand and for him to consume he would dip his food in bread and milk.

He did not suffer, he had no pain, the veterinarian told me that a dog of this dimension does not live more than 10, 12 years. He reached 14 and healthy. He consoles me knowing that the fat man passed away without suffering which he rests quietly.

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