The Boy Abandoned By His Moms And Dads Sings A Lullaby To A Homeless Dog

The Boy Abandoned By His Moms And Dads Sings A Lullaby To A Homeless Dog

The Boy Abandoned By His Moms And Dads Sings A Lullaby To A Homeless Dog

Homeless kids and animals often pity passers-by. However, this story made many Internet users feel deeply.

Maria Cubs is an normal inhabitant of the Philippines. When the girl was walking along the streets of the city of Quezon and saw something that moved her to tears. A little kid held a pup in his arms and sang a lullaby to him.

Maria could not pass by. She went up to the kid to ask him about life. It ended up that the kid’s name is Rommel and he is 11 years old. The boy wound up on the street after his parents divorced. Instead of a warm bed, he sleeps on rocks. Maria also found out that Rommel has an older sister, but she lives in one more city. And the kid’s most cherished dream is not to return house, however to visit school again!

Rommel’s life would certainly be very sad, however he is not alone on the street. The kid located a little puppy and named him Badji.

Rommel is no longer alone. He has a real buddy that will certainly not betray. The boy looks after Badji and sings lullabies to him. The puppy brightens up the boy’s leisure time and provides him its warmth.

Maria Cubs was extremely moved by the story of an abandoned boy and a lap dog. She recorded the moment when Rommel sings a lullaby to the pup and posted a article on her social network. The video clip spread across the World Wide Web in a matter of days, making a wide audience cry.

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