Sick Dog Tossed In Landfill For Being “Useless”, Buried In Trash & Waits To

Kratos, an 8-year-old Kangal Shepherd, was found critically malnourished at a lonely landfill in Corum, Turkey. (HV)

The discarded dog was not only emaciated and dehydrated, but he had also lost all of his hair due to the numerous seeping lesions that covered his body.

On a chilly day, volunteers from “Rescuers Without Borders” discovered Kratos fallen in a muddy pit at the toxic landfill.

They were horrified to see the dog’s despondent expression, since he had clearly assumed he had a loving home before ending himself in the godforsaken landfill.

Unfortunately, Kratos’ tale is not uncommon in Turkey. Over the last two months, animal activists have rescued over 800 canines that had been abandoned in various landfills.

Unfortunately, several of the dogs died before they could receive assistance. Rescuers believe that owners typically abandon their dogs when they become old or sick, or when they are no longer required for “work.”

Hundreds of “landfill” canines have been rehabilitated by the organization thus far. Despite their awful circumstances, these canines are always amiable and ready to please people.

However, the campaign to aid the landfill pups has halted since each canine rescue costs between $800 and $2,000.

Workers have reported that Kratos’ recuperation has been gradual owing to his impaired immune system, but that he should be fully recovered in approximately two months.

His fur has grown back, and after he has fully recovered, he will be ready for his permanent home. Get better soon, my dear!

Watch Kratos’ rescue and the suffering of the other dumped landfill dogs in the video below.

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