Adopting a dog is a big choice but for most families, it truly is the BEST decision! Dogs can add so much to our lives and as we know, there are so many waiting for forever homes
Throughout an investigation, a 5-year-old dog named Drove was found tied up inside an abandoned home. He was taken in by the Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby (HSM&S). As soon as the team fulfilled Drove, he won them around! His sweet, calm nature and faithful disposition would certainly make him the best family animal yet he was passed over time and time again for 7 months!
Recently married couple Morgan and Tyler came in looking to adopt a new dog. Morgan had just lost her Boxer of thirteen years. They both intended to adopt a rescue so they drove to HSM&S and that is when they met Drove!
It was love at first sight!
” When I received the call that we can adopt him, I was so happy I was keeping back tears,” Morgan to The Dodo.
After all the paperwork was completed, Drove, now renamed Samson (Sammy for short!) had the best wake up call ever! His parents prepared to take him home …
Besides the paperwork was finished, Drove, now renamed Samson (Sammy for short!) had the best get up phone call ever! His parents prepared to take him home.
A shelter staff member remembered the lovable moment saying, “He’s just resting so sweetly with no concept he’s going to be going home soon!”.
” Since the first night we brought him home, he hates to leave our side,” Morgan said. “If my husband or I get up to get some water, or leave the space momentarily, he follows us to ensure we are not leaving.”.