A Chinese fire department recently held a ceremony for their 5 retiring sniffer dogs, and the heart-wrenching footage took the internet by storm.
Over their years of service, these canines would aid search for people after earthquakes and assist in various other rescue missions. But now being between the ages of 8 and ten years old, it was time for these particular pooches to go on to a much-deserved break in life.
However when it came time to move the working canines over to their new partners, the dogs had a difficult time leaving their firefighter companions behind. One canine can be seen standing and reaching for his former handler as another faithful canine relaxes his paws on his old partner’s hand refusing to go.
As sad as this may be, these canines are going on to forever houses to endure their lives like typical canines. They’ll never forget their trainers, but they will quickly form the exact same caring bonds with their new people! It’s just another reminder that a canine’s loyalty knows no bounds.