Rescued Pup from Puppy Mill Begins New Journey with an Unexpected Friend

Ruggles, a tinny Shih-Tzu puppy, was rescued from a disheartening puppy mill. His new journey began when he was introduced to a surprising friend: Chompers, a kitten. Chompers had a rough start too; she was found alone under a porch at just two days old. Their heartwarming first encounter can be seen in the accompanying video.

Image Source: Youtube

Despite their challenging beginnings, both Ruggles and Chompers found happiness, health, and love in forever homes.

Image Source: Youtube

Ruggles didn’t just settle into a quiet life, though. He took on the role of an ambassador for the Cherokee County Animal Shelter, the very place that rescued him.

Now, he makes rounds at schools, spreading awareness about the plight of shelter dogs and the dark world of puppy mills.

Image Source: Youtube

As for their adoptions, a note from YouTube says: “Many inquired about adopting the duo together. That was the initial intention of the shelter. However, Chompers lived up to her name a bit too much, playing rougher than Ruggles could handle given his health challenges. Prioritizing their well-being, the decision was made to find separate loving homes for each. Today, both bask in love and care in their respective families.”


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