Pitbull Adopted By The Volunteer He Adores Is Now The Most Joyful Dog Around.

Regrettably, numerous dogs don’t experience the joy of a loving family. Every day, dogs of all breeds and sizes are deserted on the streets.

While our world has its dark moments, for every cruel individual, countless kind-hearted souls make a difference.

Thanks to sanctuaries like the Lewis and Clark Humane Society, many of these dogs receive a new lease on life.

Located in Helena, Montana, this humane society welcomes over 1500 animals annually. With a commendable 98% adoption rate, they ensure every dog stays until they find a permanent home.

Image source: Facebook

While some dogs find homes swiftly, others stay longer. The shelter becomes a haven compared to the streets, but a loving family is irreplaceable.

Bubba Jr. was one such long-term resident, calling the shelter home for 93 days. His Pitbull breed, often misunderstood, made his adoption challenging.

The shelter once shared, “Regardless of the labels – Pitbull, Pittie, House Hippo, Slobber Monster – we see the real dog. A big-hearted, affectionate canine.”

The breed faces many stereotypes, hindering their adoption. Many rental properties aren’t welcoming to Pitbulls, further reducing their chances of finding a home.

Image source: Facebook

Yet, beneath their exterior, many are gentle souls, patiently awaiting a chance at happiness.

Bubba Jr., as described by the shelter:

“Were we to award our dogs, Bubba J’s title would be: “Most Likely to Shower You with Kisses.” He’s passionate about his human friends, always ready for a stroll or a cozy movie.

When not sharing his affection, Bubba perfects his cuddling skills or enjoys his meals. He’s content being the sole pet, not wanting other animals to overshadow him.”

Bubba had a special bond with a particular volunteer at the shelter. After 93 days, this volunteer chose to adopt Bubba, bringing immense joy to the shelter.

Image source: Facebook

The shelter celebrated this heartwarming story on Facebook, sharing a fictional diary entry from Bubba:

“Dear Diary, On my fifth day in my new abode, life feels transformed. I cherish every moment in this place termed “home”. Each day with my Favorite Volunteer feels like a blessing.”

Image source: Facebook

If you’re considering pet adoption, visit a local shelter. Perhaps you can be the beacon of hope for a waiting dog.

Many dogs yearn for a forever home, but not all have the luxury of waiting at a shelter until they find one.

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