Dog Brought To Hospital To say Goodbye To Her Dying Owner

They desired his dog to say goodbye so she would certainly know why her man would never return home … Mollie has actually always been loyal to…

An Accidental Breeding Resulted In Tyson The Goberian

A happy accident. Tyson is the silliest and sweetest canine, and he’s the outcome of an accidental breeding in between a Golden Retriever and a Husky ……

Stranger Grabs Cat Around The Head For A Quick Smack Off The Ground To Free It

You know what they say about interest and pet cats, but this stray was one of the luckier ones thanks to a passerby that decided to quit…

Dog that was chained her whole life can just walk in circles

Why people get pets just to cage and chain them up is beyond me. The local Police, together with Takis Sanctuary, stumbled upon one such pet– however…

Rescuers Find Pup In A Trash Bag And Do Everything They Can To Rescue Her

A puppy left in a trash bag and left to pass away was saved by kindhearted people and provided the best fighting chance to survive. Rescuers with…

He Could not Deal With Another Car Leaving Him Behind, So The Pup Cried Out

Rescuer Ninel was alerted to a situation where five young puppies were looking after themselves out in the winter elements, two of them smaller sized than the…

Asked To Bring Them The ‘Sad Dog,’ The Kids Led Him Over On A Handbag Strap

Sidewalk Specials established Outreach in De Doorns and asked the local kids to bring them the “sad dogs.” That’s when they led Gigi over on an old…

Dog Remained Loyal To The Owner Who Harmed Him, Refused To Leave

Rescuer Liza arrived on scene to check out a canine whose owner said was aggressive and had rabies. The dog was chained outside eating the grass. She…

Old Dog With Deadly Wound Stuck In Gate, Watched Everyone Walk Past & Not Care

Dotty’s rescuers estimate that hundreds of people walked past her, while she suffered, and also no one liked help. This terrible scenario is indicative of too many…

Mama Dog Dumped At Sanctuary During Labor Problems Loses All 21 Of Her Puppies

Someone left a pregnant mother dog at the Boone Location Humane Society after she had remained in labor for 24 hours. She had an emergency situation C-section…