Mama dog at sanctuary keeps getting overlooked, till one little girl smiles at her

There’s nothing that harms our hearts more than the thought of animals investing years in the sanctuaries when nobody wants to take them home. If we had…

Rescued Puppy Discovered to Be a Rare Australian Alpine Dingo

You might expect a meteor to fall from the sky, but what about a puppy? It sounds unbelievable, but that’s what happened with a puppy named Wandi….

Dog Hasn’t Been Adopted In A Year Even If He Looks A Little Different

When Wally initially came to the Town of Islip Animal Sanctuary, it was clear he would certainly had a hard past. He was around ten years old…

Husky Abandoned On The Side Of The Road It’s So Sad That Nobody Wants Him

One heartbreaking video captures the exact moment that one owner made the apathetic option to chuck his canine out of the car as though he were garbage….

“Unwanted” Canine Gets Abandoned Again & Again And He Is Scared And Sad

Animal control policeman’s had been attempting to rescue a very sick and emaciated dog named Edna for months. But Edna hated engaging with humans and disappeared into…

In Spite Of Her Broken Leg, Mother Dog Carried All 13 Pups To The Safest Hiding Spot

Soon after saving the dog, they noticed that she had milk. That’s when they knew this dog was a new mother and had pups somewhere close by….

The Stray Dog With A Tumor Who Found Love In His Final Days Until His Last Breath

The Stray Dog With A Tumor Who Found Love In His Final Days Until His Last Breath

Stray Dog Continuously Steals Toy Unicorn From Dollar General So Animal Control Buys It For Him

A store owner called animal control to report a stray dog that kept stealing a unicorn stuffed animal from the shop. When animal control arrived, they bought…

The Kennels Emptied As They All Got Adopted Besides A Sad Lonely Pit Bull

A sweet senior Pit Bull, named Capone, watched as everyone around him got a forever home. Instead of being gotten of his kennel and heading to a…

Dog With Broken Bones Shudders At People Touch, However A Woman Asks For Her Trust

A dog named Eliza June was thrown away on the road by her proprietors, which tragically led to her obtaining hit by a vehicle. By the time…