Neglected Pup Heartbroken After Being Returned to Shelter Due to Allergy

All Kelly ever wanted was love, but instead, she faced rejection and cruelty. This sweet pup was used and abandoned by a heartless breeder who saw her only as a means to profit. When she was no longer useful, she was cast aside.

Abandoned and Alone

Kelly wandered the streets, sorrowful and starved, searching for compassion. Despite the mistreatment she had endured, she held onto the hope that someone kind would notice her and offer her the love she so desperately craved.

Image Source: @humanebroward

Kelly’s Rescue

Rescuers from the Humane Society of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, found Kelly wandering the streets. They were heartbroken by her malnourished and neglected state. Upon arrival at the shelter, Kelly quickly charmed the staff with her sweet personality. She was a love bug, enjoying cuddles, playing with chew toys, and going for walks.

“Kelly is an absolute love bug and enjoys being with people and getting affection. She is goofy and likes to play with chew toys and go for walks,” said Susan Leonti, the digital marketing specialist at the Humane Society of Broward County, to Newsweek.

Image Source: @humanebroward

A Glimmer of Hope

The shelter staff knew Kelly needed a loving home to experience true happiness. They shared a video of Kelly’s story on social media, showcasing her hopeful spirit. A wonderful couple, looking to adopt their first dog together, saw the video and fell in love with Kelly. They rushed to the shelter the next day, excited to bring her home

Image Source: @humanebroward

Short-Lived Joy

On her adoption day, Kelly was ecstatic. She said goodbye to her shelter friends and went home with her new parents, eager to start her new life. However, shortly after, the adopters discovered that one of them was allergic to dogs. With heavy hearts, they had no choice but to return Kelly to the shelter.

Image Source: @humanebroward

Heartbreak and Desperation

Kelly’s brief taste of happiness was cruelly snatched away. Back behind the kennel bars, she was heartbroken. “Since being returned, Kelly has had such a sad and worried look on her face. When we walk by her kennel, she cries out to us and has a look of desperation in her eyes. It is simply heartbreaking to see,” Leonti shared.

A Second Chance

Though Kelly loves her shelter friends and appreciates their affection, she longs for her own humans. She dreams of finding a forever home where she can experience true love and happiness for the first time in her life. The affectionate pup deserves parents who will dote on her and make her happy.

Let’s hope that Kelly’s dream will soon come true and that she will finally find the loving home she deserves.

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