Navy SEAL Says Goodbye To Long Time K9 Companion And Friend

Navy SEAL Says Goodbye To Long Time K9 Companion And Friend

Mike Ritland, a previous U.S. Navy SEAL, recently took to Facebook to pay tribute to a fellow SEAL member’s K9 companion that went across the rainbow bridge.

” Mike had to say goodbye to Carlos today, after 15 amazing years of blessing this Earth with his visibility,” Ritland said.

Mike and Carlos were companions for many years, and after retirement, Mike had the ability to adopt him forever. Ritland additionally reached work with Carlos when he worked at the program as a trainer.

” He is curtained in the flag that Mike brought with him on every operation with him, and still possessed Afghan dirt as he unfolded it on him,” Ritland proceeded.

Mike provided Carlos his favored food, Steak, as one last meal prior to the canine left this life behind.

” Our hearts are currently much heavier needing to say goodbye,” Ritland wrapped up the heartfelt post. “Fair winds and complying with seas C-man, we have the watch from here friend.”

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