Meet Hulk Who Weighs 173 Pounds, Is The World’s Biggest Pit Bull And He’s Still Growing

Meet Hulk Who Weighs 173 Pounds, Is The World's Biggest Pit Bull And He's Still Growing

Meet Hulk Who Weighs 173 Pounds, Is The World's Biggest Pit Bull And He's Still Growing

While pit bulls and various other solid jawed dogs are frequently seen as dangerous and unpredictable, this American pit bull terrier and bull terrier cross named Hulk, will surely melt your heart.

Not on the grounds that he is feathery, and not because that he is bit, however exactly the inverse– he’s the largest pit bull that has at any point lived. Being however big as he appears to be (around 173.4 pound and yet growing), people will generally look at Hulk, the canine carefully yet his owner and trainer named Marlon Grannon of Dark Dynasty K9, trust this enormous softie to have fun with his 3-year-old child.

Normal Pit bulls usually weigh around 30 to 60lbs, however Hulk is not among the typical ones as he weigh is multiple times to the other pit bull weights.

This sort of size and mass isn’t especially great for any canine breed, it effects their agility and stresses the joints, shortening the possible life span. Yet, also these dangers do not avoid Hulk from fathering his first litter of pit bull puppies. Because of their father’s huge boned nature, the puppies are relied upon to develop to a similar estimated charming pit bulls as Hulk and must bring the owner around 500,000 dollars.

See Also : Big Wolf Hybrid And Tiny German Shepherd Puppy Are The Prettiest Playmates

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