Kind Labrador Adopts Seven Kittens Without a Mom

A sweet rescue dog named Bertie has been looking after seven kittens that lost their mom.

Bertie, a Labrador, used to live at the Battersea animal rescue. When the kittens came home, he acted like their parent and cared for them.

The kittens were found on the side of the road when they were only two weeks old. They were too young to live without their mom.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

Someone found them and took them to Battersea. The vets checked them and found they were hungry but okay.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

Rachel, the head nurse at Battersea, decided to take the kittens home. She and Bertie, her dog, watched over them.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

Rachel told TeamDogs that she’s proud of Bertie. Even though he’s young, he’s been very patient with the kittens.

They needed a lot of care, like feeding and learning to climb. Bertie helped them become friendly cats and also made Rachel laugh.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

Usually, kittens stay with their mom for the first eight weeks. The mom feeds them and teaches them how to live.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

If kittens come to Battersea without a mom, someone like Rachel will care for them. They feed the kittens and help them until they can live on their own.

Then, they stay at Battersea until they find a new home.

Image source: TEAMDOGS

Rachel said it’s great to help kittens grow up. She was sad when they left, but she knows she and Bertie helped them. Bertie probably liked the quiet after the kittens left. He deserved a break!

Image source: TEAMDOGS

All the kittens have new homes now. But there are more cats at Battersea that need homes.

h/t Daily Star

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