Hesitant And Shy Abandoned Dog Merges The Lap Of Her Rescuer

Hesitant And Shy Abandoned Dog Merges The Lap Of Her Rescuer

Hesitant And Shy Abandoned Dog Merges The Lap Of Her Rescuer

Hope For Paws got a call about an abandoned pit bull who ‘d been obtaining looked after for several weeks by a good Samaritan. But he was worried about the summertime heat and also knew what needed to be done.

Upon arrival, rescuers saw that the canine was very hesitant but also very sweet in nature.

She ‘d never seen a leash before, so they would certainly have to use the mild snare. And then once the Lucky Chain was placed around her neck to assure her everything was going to be alright, Oxana surrendered so gladly and lovingly! The pittie was absorbed for a check-up and treatment, and this was just the start of a brand new life for the friendly puppy!.

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