Helpless Stray Dog Found With Huge Tumor On The Ground For Long Time

“She has suffered from this for a long time…and now her life has turned”

The Animal Kingdom Foundation reportedly got a call about a stray dog who was trailing one of the biggest tumors in the world, according The GoGo YouTube channel. (HV)

In order to get the sick dog to the clinic for an examination and treatment, they hurriedly arrived to the scene.

They checked her and started giving the dog, named Hope, antibiotics. They waited over a week to find out if she needed surgery!

Sadly, she required surgery. The excision of the 2.6 kilogram tumor took more than three hours! Currently, the dog received attention around-the-clock.

Thankfully, after just one week, she began to play, leap, and run! She is anticipated to fully recover.

“After only seven days, we can’t wait to see her running, leaping, and playing. She is eating well, and we anticipate a speedy recovery. Hope thanks all of the people that helped her and prayed for her.”

Hope is fully recovered and content with her new family after two months. What a joyful ending!

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