Heartwarming moment dying lady claims goodbye to her dogs and horse at hospice

Heartwarming moment dying lady claims goodbye to her dogs and horse at hospice

Heartwarming moment dying lady claims goodbye to her dogs and horse at hospice

A terminally ill woman longed to see her best friends one last time and her wish was given. Jan Holman has been apart from her beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Monty and Rowley, and horse named Bob for over a month.

After spending weeks in a regional hospital, she was moved to The Hospice of the Great Shepherd and got an incredible surprise.

The caring staff scheduled all three of Jan’s animals to see her.

Louise Saville King, Deputy Ward Supervisor at the Hospice, claimed in a press release, “It was obvious when Jan first came to us that she is passionate about her animals and that horses have played a large part in her life for many years. We felt it was truly important to attempt and arrange for Bob to visit Jan.”

Jan entered the hospital suddenly and also never had the chance to claim goodbye to her beloved pets. She thought she might be able to see her canines one last time, but never thought of she would have the ability to see Bob again.

Her face lit up when she spotted her faithful companion.

She was not able to get out of her bed, so she was wheeled to the patio where Bob was patiently waiting for her.

Hospice of the Good Shepherd

” The group from Thornleigh Park Farm Stables, where Bob is in livery, walked him into the Hospice yard for an extremely emotional re-union in between horse and also biker. Bob put his head through the doors and nuzzled Jan’s neck and lap and completely enjoyed his treats of carrots, bananas and apples,” composed Hospice of the Good Shepherd.

It was a special time not just for Jan but for Jan’s husband of 46 years, Dennis. He claimed, “It was just such a relief when Jan was relocated from the hospital to the Hospice in Chester and also we were able to have called visitors that might come and also see Jan regularly, however we never imagined that we would have the ability to include our canines Monty and Rowley and Jan’s horse Bob on the visiting list.”

It meant the world to Jan to see her beloved pets one last time. She said, “I simply can’t think what the staff here at the Hospice have actually provided for me. Till a few weeks ago I was still riding Bob every day and also he is such an important part of my life, and I have actually missed him a lot. I understood that arranging for my dogs to visit was feasible as we had a neighbor that was a client at the Hospice a few years ago and we were enabled to bring the canines to visit her, however I just really did not anticipate that they would certainly ever have the ability to provide me the possibility to see Bob again.”

The couple always supported Hospice however as Dennis said, “we never ever pictured we would require the services ourselves.” The staff goes out of their method to make Jan comfy and even

Lots of people were moved to tears by the touching moment that was shared on Facebook. One person who witnessed it in person commented, “I was fortunate to observe this and hear Bob talking. This is why I say the hospice is the very best location in the world at the worse times of your life.”

Hospice ended the message by saying, “The ethos of hospice care is not nearly caring for the medical needs of our patients however also looking after their emotional and spiritual needs too. It’s about making a difference to our patients and their families in whatever way we can.”

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