The Odessa Police Department in Texas got an unforeseen guest in the morning hrs. It was a person wanting to report a missing dog. Which missing out on dog was himself!
Assistance Our Permian Container Police OfficersSergeant Rusty Martin was among the officers there to get the dog, and he thought the puppy looked a little too happy and excited to be shed. They continued to throw a tennis ball around in the lobby for a bit.
Assistance Our Permian Basin Police Officers.However they were still concentrated on the matter at hand. The dog had a collar, yet the ID tag had actually diminished. So animal control was called to come look for a microchip.
However the case would certainly be cracked prior to they could even appear …
The dog must’ve chosen he would certainly been missing out on enough time and headed back house. The proprietor called in the next day to say that it was his dog and he would certainly returned house with his family about a mile from the station. Chico cracked his own situation! Too cute.