Emotional Time Sad Mom Runs Over To Kiss Her Puppy As The Puppy Gets Adopted

When we decide to adopt a dog from a sanctuary or rescue group, we are doing a wonderful thing to assist homeless pets everywhere. However, we don’t truly think about the feelings of a mom dog as she sees her pups get adopted off one by one.

Recently, our hearts were broken when we witnessed a mixed-breed mother dog in the Henan Province of China running into the street to give her puppy the last kiss before sending the puppy off with its new owner.

The mom dog was a pregnant stray that was saved and was under the treatment of students at Zhengzhou University in Henan province. She had given birth to a litter of seven puppies and their birth was surely a priceless gift for her. So, when the pups were ready to adopt, the mother was heartbroken.

She was forced to say goodbye to her puppies because she knew that was the best choice for them. She went out to provide her last pup a final kiss goodbye. It’s a actual moment shared in between the two.

As you can see in the video, the brand-new owner lowered the small pooch to its mother, who licked its face and kissed it goodbye. ‘Don’t worry, I will take good care of your puppy,’ the owner said.

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