Dual Delights: 20 Striking Photos Of A Dog Dad And His Pup Lookalike In Synced Outfits

Have you ever met someone who bears a striking resemblance to their pet? It’s as if life decided to play a little “copycat” game. Such is the story of Topher Brophy, a New York-based artist, and Rosenberg, his doppelganger dog companion. Their uncanny resemblance has gone beyond simple appearances, showcasing an unbreakable bond that’s palpable in both emotion and attire.

Before Rosenberg entered his life, Topher was grappling with an emotional void. He felt an innate desire to care for another being, leading him to adopt Rosenberg. Surprisingly, the dog mirrored him not just in character but in physical appearance too. With their matching eyes and hair, it wasn’t long before they became the talk of Brooklyn, with passersby and children pointing out their startling resemblance.

It all started as a playful jest. One day, on a whim, Topher and Rosenberg donned matching denim shirts. The reaction was electric, with smiles and crowd formations becoming a common sight. Taking the cue, the duo began wearing matching outfits, quickly turning it into their signature style.


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

To capture these magical moments, Topher enlisted the expertise of Chantal Adair, a skilled dog photographer known on Instagram as The Dog Styler. Over time, their collaboration turned romantic, culminating in the birth of their baby, Topper Tinsley. Chantal, now an integral part of the family, selects and styles the outfits, ensuring each shot reflects their playful or sometimes ironic nature. Through these photographs, Topher hopes to bring a spark of joy to an increasingly gloomy world.


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

For Topher, the entire journey has been liberating. He mentioned in an Instagram post, “Rosenberg and I have always had trouble fitting in. It’s only recently, through artistic expression, that we’ve embraced our differences, now viewing them as our strengths.” Topher emphasizes the pure-hearted nature of animals, who don’t judge based on wealth, politics, or skin color.


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

He believes humans could learn a lesson or two from their four-legged counterparts.


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

Besides their entertaining escapades, Topher and Rosenberg are ardent supporters of charitable causes. They actively promote organizations focusing on compassion, tolerance, and sustainability. Their website lists multiple charities they endorse, including Doctors Without Borders and Equality Now, urging their fans to contribute.


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

It only gets better and better..


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 


Image Source: Topher Brophy 

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