Dog Is Broken After His Adoption Falls Through, So He Stares At A Wall All Day

When March, the pit bull who was abandoned, was first rescued from the streets, he was a calm and content dog. The staff at the municipal animal shelter in Philadelphia was confident that this adorable and well-behaved puppy would soon find his forever home. March’s time at the shelter, however, quickly turned into a terrifying nightmare.

March had never spent time in kennels with other frightened animals that were up for adoption. He felt the mental toll of this, and his spark started to dim. His greatest setback was being turned down by a family who had agreed to adopt him because he wasn’t “playful” enough in their eyes.

When March learned that the family who had initially chosen him had later canceled the adoption and sent him back to the shelter, he was devastated. After going back to his chilly kennel, March seemed dejected and sad. He slouched into a corner, refusing to speak to anyone while staring helplessly at the wall.

After learning about March, local news reporter Dawn Timmeney made the awful decision to post his story on social media. March’s life was irrevocably changed by the upsetting pictures of his dejected kennel attitude that attracted so much attention in the neighborhood!

A rescuer offered to take him in March before his death list turn was scheduled within three days of Dawn’s social media campaign. March’s daring escape from the refuge was a rare instance of victory!

Until March finds his forever family, the new rescue, a no-kill organization, will take care of him.

While the story of March has a happy ending, millions of shelter dogs are put to sleep because they cannot adapt or find homes in time.

Let’s do our part to support these depressed people by speaking out. Please let people know.

To understand how March’s representation as a depressed dog helped him when he was too dejected to face the world, watch the video below.

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