Dog Found Tied Up At A Play Ground Can’t Stop Hugging People Now

Dog Found Tied Up At A Play Ground Can't Stop Hugging People Now

Dog Found Tied Up At A Play Ground Can't Stop Hugging People Now

Lilybug was found tied up at a playground when she was simply a puppy, yet a rescue team called Mr. Bones and Co.

heard about her and also took her right into the “One Fortunate Puppy” foster program. Co-executive Director Marisa Grimshaw quickly fell head over heels for Lilybug.

So Marisa adopted her, and the pit bull took to everyone she satisfied and started giving out hugs.

She came to be known as the “hugging pit bull.” In spite of being deserted at such a young age, the dog has lots of love to spread around. See even more of her incredible story below!.

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