Deaf Rescue Puppy Adopted By Deaf Man Who Teaches Him Sign Language

A man who was born deaf acquired a puppy who had the same condition in a narrative with “an incredible fairy tale conclusion.”

Nick Abbott, 31, told WABI-5 that he discovered Emerson through a Facebook post from NFR Maine, a dog rescue organization that places dogs in foster homes.

I informed the TV station, “Oh, he’s deaf as well,” Abbott said. “Perhaps I should go investigate him and learn more about him.”

When he was only six weeks old, Emerson was rescued from Florida. Canine parvovirus, a dangerous virus that affects canines and can be lethal if left untreated, was present in him along with seizures.

He had hearing issues once we brought him home from the Florida veterinarian’s office, Lindsay Powers with NFR Maine said on Tuesday’s Good Morning America. “He had such a challenging beginning to life.”

While “our sweet boy Emerson” was still waiting for a home, all of Emerson’s siblings had been swiftly adopted, according to the dog rescue organization’s Facebook post.

He wants everyone to know that he is still an AMAZING little dog with SO much love to give, despite being deaf.

According to WABI-5, the dog approached Abbott when he first saw Emerson and sat at his feet.

“He sort of chose me. And I understood straight once that we would get along well and understand one another “He declared.

Abbott has since started teaching Emerson orders in sign language.

The letter S stands for “sit,” and moving his hand in a straight line signifies “lay down,” according to WABI-5.

According to Abbott’s mother, Richelle, “Emerson will bark if Nick reaches up and shakes his ear lobe; it’s really cute.”

According to Abbott, “Our bond is tremendous,” WABI-5. “We are quite well acquainted with one another. I’d like to think it was destiny. He is special.”

See how a deaf dog discovered his true love.

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