Pit Bulls are usually put right on “fatality row” at animal shelters.
They are sadly the most usual type to be surrendered. They are also the most common breeds located as strays or abandoned by their owners. Pits are put on euthanasia listings quickly at kill shelters since they are least likely to obtain adopted.
Zelus was merely skin and bones when he ended up at a regional shelter. He had been battling just to obtain the basics. A couple, Amanda and Tanner, who train dogs, chose to go and assist Zelus. Amanda says in the video below: “You could tell he had been combating to eat and live for so long.” Totally heart-crushing!

When the couple met Zelus, he was scheduled for euthanasia that extremely day. Tanner guaranteed that he had not been going to let the poor dog die. They rescued him from the kill sanctuary that day and when they put him into their vehicle, he laid down as if he had never ever been on something so comfortable his whole life. Imagine all the pain he endured, being so thin, and having to lie down on chilly concrete. The rear of the couple’s vehicle felt like heaven!
Amanda and Tanner chose that Zelus would certainly be their first foster dog. They would certainly teach him everything about love and consistency, work on his behavior, and then find him a forever home. They keep in mind grabbing his first big bag of food and he guarded it as if it was the only food on earth. Zelus continued to show hostile behavior but it recommended reasonable reasons.
Still, the couple was concerned. What if Zelus’s behavior never ever changed? This was why they required to work especially hard with the deserving dog. They could not imagine Zelus living a life he really did not deserve once again even if of his terrible past.
Things really began to click with Zelus. He made tremendous progress with everything. Tanner recalls one big day when Zelus climbed up onto his lap then laid his adorable head on Tanner’s shoulder. It was at that minute Tanner recognized it was his way of saying, “Ok, my guard’s down. I lastly trust you now.”.
But even with this bond forming quick, the couple promised that their first foster dog would not be a foster fail. It was a battle for sure. To see how the tale turns out, watch the video below. It is simply too heartwarming to miss!