Couple Held Dog’s Face & Wept After Somebody Left Him On Road With Just A Blanket

Couple Held Dog's Face & Wept After Somebody Left Him On Road With Just A Blanket

This tale isn’t a simple one to tell. We also highly suggest that discretion is used when seeing the video below. The story does end happily.

However, the dog experiences a fair bit to get there. A man and lady were driving down a busy roadway when they saw a figure pushing the shoulder. They pulled over immediately.

The figure was an injured dog. Somebody had actually left him there with a serious head injury and a badly fractured leg. As if they were remorseful, they placed his head on a cardboard box and covered him with a blanket. The couple was mortified. That could leave a valuable dog like that?

They loaded him carefully right into their car and drove straight to a vet center. The dog was struggling. He remained in a great deal of pain. The woman sat with him and spoke gently to him as she waited on his pain medicine to kick in.

See Also : Minuscule Puppy Escapes Shelter Kennel & Tries To Make Friends With Large Dog

The veterinarian cleaned his head wound and then scheduled him for surgical treatment. His leg needed his immediate focus if he ‘d ever walk again. The dog, despite all he had been via, was so sweet and client. He held nothing against humans even though he was treated so unfairly. He was prepped for surgery. He was so brave!

Once he got up from surgery, the vet provided the couple the good news! He did fantastic. His recovery would certainly be long and it’s still ongoing but everyone is positive that he will certainly live a full and happy life. The couple decided to embrace him and they are currently doing all they can to pay for his hefty veterinarian bills.

We are so relieved that this canine was found in time and by the right people. There is never ever an excuse to leave a pet behind. We are disgusted by his owner’s actions but in the end, the canine prevailed. Let’s send this pup all of our love and well wishes.

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