Considerate Souls Cover ‘Dead Stray’ With Blanket, Bend Down As His Eyes Still Wept

There is nothing more soul-crushing than seeing an animal suffer

As animal fans, we are the ones to always quit and assist no matter the circumstance but many people do not care. This poor boy, they later call Kanzi, was lying helpless on the ground in the freezing rain. He desperately required somebody to stop and help him but nobody did. Kanzi was close to death as hypothermia set in.

2 kind people were walking by and were horrified that no one had helped this canine! In fact, they thought he had already passed away and wanted to cover him with a blanket and give him a proper burial. But when they got better, they saw his chest increase and eyes move.

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Kanzi was so weak. His eyes looked so sad like he had given up totally. No dog should look this defeated but Kanzi felt worthless after being ignored for as long. The rain kept falling and he shivered to stay warm. Kanzi required kindness and love as much as he required a warm place to sleep.

The kind souls got a blanket and some food and did their best to make him comfy while they made calls to the emergency vet. They explained that they had located a dog that remained in grave condition. The vet said to carefully choose him up and bring him in.

The vet was immediately concerned about Kanzi. He was covered in old injuries and his bloodwork was a mess. He remained in kidney and liver failure. The veterinarian explained this and gave his rescuers the option of putting him down. The rescuers asked the veterinarian if he can make Kanzi comfy by providing him pain meds and IV fluids. The vet agreed.

Kanzi’s new human buddies aren’t sure how long he has but still agreed to take him home. They want to show him what it’s like to feel loved for as long as feasible. Kanzi is now living with both wonderful people that located him. He struggles most days with fatigue but he is not in pain. His new moms and dads are focused on maintaining him around for as long as possible.

Kanzi is being spoiled as we talk and we are so grateful that he was lastly rescued. It’s a shame he was ignored for so long, as people walked by also focused on their very own lives.

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