Chained Mama Dog at Abandoned Factory Struggles to Feed Her Puppies

While cleaning up an abandoned wood factory near his house, a man suddenly heard faint cries coming from a nearby corner. Curious and concerned, he decided to investigate.

What he found was a little pup, clearly distressed, hiding something. As he looked closer, he realized the cries were coming from her newborn puppies. The mama dog had just given birth and was in desperate need of help.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

Noticing that the mama dog was in poor condition, he immediately contacted animal rescuers to inform them of the situation.

When the rescuers arrived, it was clear that this little family was in dire need of assistance. The mama dog was severely malnourished, her fur overgrown and tangled. The worst part was a chain around her neck, preventing her from finding food for her babies.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

Unable to bear seeing her in such a condition, especially in the freezing cold, the rescuer quickly grabbed a box, lined it with grass, and carefully placed her babies inside before unchaining her.

However, the mama dog was still wary of humans. Not wanting to startle her, the rescuer decided to let her get to know them a bit more before moving her and her babies. He started a small fire, sat next to her, and spoke to her in a calm and soothing voice, trying to earn her trust.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

The rescuer noticed the puppies were extremely hungry. Upon closer examination, he realized the mama dog wasn’t producing milk because she was starving. He immediately ran to the store to buy some food for her. As soon as he placed kibble in a bowl, she eagerly ate, her hunger evident.

After her meal, she returned to her box and lay next to her puppies, allowing them to feed. Despite this, she still seemed anxious and refused to leave. The rescuer respected her wishes, made a fire to keep them warm through the night, and promised to return in the morning.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

The next morning, the man returned and was greeted with a huge smile from the mama dog. As he set up her breakfast, she ran to enjoy her meal, allowing him to check on her puppies. Sadly, only one of the four puppies had survived the night.

Determined to save the remaining puppy, the rescuer decided to bring it home and provide it with proper care. He gathered all the necessary supplies and fed the puppy multiple times throughout the day, ensuring it had everything it needed to grow strong.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

After a week, the pup began to thrive and was ready to visit his mama, who was still at the wood factory. When they reunited, the mama dog embraced her baby, now healthier and able to nurse it again. Seeing that she was finally capable of caring for her child, the man decided the puppy was safe with her and no longer needed to be taken home.

The man continued to visit every day, bringing food and ensuring they had everything they needed. Over time, the mama dog’s trust in him grew. Eventually, she allowed him to take her and the puppy away from the factory and into his warm, loving home.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

The man was overjoyed, preparing everything for their arrival. Five weeks later, he found an abandoned litter of puppies and brought them home as well. At first, he wasn’t sure if the mama dog and her puppy would accept the newcomers, but soon, they all became close friends.

Image source: Rescue Mission HT

The four new puppies loved playing with the puppy, and the mama dog watched over them all. Before long, she adopted the new puppies, making her a proud mother of five adorable pups.


Image source: Rescue Mission HT

The incredible litter grew up strong and healthy, bringing immense joy to the man who saved their lives. Eventually, each pup would find a loving forever home, but for now, they remained with their rescuer, enjoying a life full of love, fun, and safety.

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