Baby Grows Up With A 125-Pound Dog By His Side
The relationship between kids and dogs is always special. However this one is especially unique because it’s between a toddler and a 125-pound Cane Corso that is…

People Are Knitting Giant Sweaters For Rescued Elephants To Secure Them From Cold In Winter
Winters get chilly in Northern India, so volunteers at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center decided to knit some truly big sweaters for its rescued…

She was left on the street, dragging herself under raining and frozen begging for help to live
Long ago, humanity was no longer human. Although just a puppy, she is adamant that the street is her home. She also paid a steep price. She…

After 15 Months In Kennels, Blind Dog Gets To Run Free In His Own Field
When a dog joins a shelter, staff and volunteers normally look for to find the dog a suitable placement immediately, whether in a foster home or a…

Golden Retriever Hilariously And Adorably Struggles With Kitten In His Bed
If you have a home with both cats and dogs, it’s most likely you’ll locate them playing a game of, “Whose bed is it anyway?” You might…

Rescuer locates ‘broken’ pittie puppy and jumps to help her
Nothing breaks my heart greater than abandoned dogs do. There’s simply something with the fact that their world revolves around their humans, and suddenly the actual people…

Heartbroken sloth mother is ‘overjoyed’ to reunite with missing baby.
Mom and baby were separated while fleeing local wildfires. A mom being separated from her kid is the worst heartbreak they can really feel. It’s true whether…

Hero Mother: The dog starved and froze for months without leaving her 5 puppies hungry
People all over the internet have been moved by the tale of Celeste, a loving mother dog. Celeste was a serene, caring, and sweet kid who was…

The Breed Of The Left Behind, Tiny, Hairless Puppies Was A To Everyone
While walking to work someday, a guy found six small animals looking for help. He had no idea what these creatures might be, but they were huddled…

Grieving dog mourns loss of his animal friends by staying by their side after they pass
Losing a friend is just one of the hardest punches that we will ever get in life. It’s an inevitable part of life that exempts nobody. To…