Dog With Crushed Front Paw Rescued And Put An End To His Pain

This story discusses a poor dog called Judo, who was hit by a car, which left him with many fractures in his leg. Fortunately, RRSA India rescued…

Video shows ‘mom of the year’ duck wonderfully leading her 76 adorably small ducklings in a row

One busy mama duck has been dubbed ‘ very mom’ after she was caught swimming with over 70 baby ducklings in two. This amazing brood was captured…

Smallest pittie puppy melts hearts cuddling up to father

At just 3 weeks old, Annabelle decided she was a father’s girl. She definitely loves her father, and her father loves her. ” It’s like a bond…

Old Dog That No One Wants, Laying In Kennel With Her Body Giving Out

Many deserving dogs wait for their permanently family at shelters, rescues, and foster homes all throughout the world. Unfortunately, some never locate a place to call home….

Stray Puppy Got Stuck Under A Gate Screaming In Pain, Until He Passed Out

A litter of puppy was rescued from near death after he was found abandoned and stuck under an iron fence in forest beside a private property. The…


Puppies are naturally curious beings, and occasionally their interest and urge to examine everything can get them right into trouble. Thanks to a team effort, a little…

Foster Mother Awoken To A “Record-Breaking Gift” After Being Concerned About Chihuahua’s Big Belly

LOL means laugh out loud online, however it’s also the name of a now world-famous Chihuahua. Because of a hoarding circumstance in Kansas, the people at Unleashed…

A Stray Dog Decides To Follow A Woman Home Just In Time

As Karen walked down the sidewalk in her neighborhood, she couldn’t help however notice that somebody was following her. A tense German shepherd had been following closely…

Rescue Homeless Dog Who Lives In A Trash Pile Now Has A Loving Home

This all started when Hope for Paws got a phone call about a homeless dog living in a trash pile. They called her Miley. She lived right…

Baby Grows Up With A 125-Pound Dog By His Side

The relationship between kids and dogs is always special. However this one is especially unique because it’s between a toddler and a 125-pound Cane Corso that is…