Meet Meaty, The Dog That Can Not Stop Smiling After Being Rescued From A Sanctuary

Meatball (Meaty for short) is a pit bull mix that has taken almost 40k hearts on Instagram. Nevertheless, his life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Prior to…

Considerate Souls Cover ‘Dead Stray’ With Blanket, Bend Down As His Eyes Still Wept

There is nothing more soul-crushing than seeing an animal suffer As animal fans, we are the ones to always quit and assist no matter the circumstance but…

Dog Escapes His Abusive Owner And Ends Up Waiting On A Stranger’s Doorstep

Dogs 3.7k SHARESShareTweet Baxter the dog goes through what many unloved dogs go through. Chained outside, and subjected to neglect and abuse, Baxter is not in a…

We Found A Poor Dog Bound With A Fishing Line, We Saved Her And Helped Her Heal

It is a wonder that little Lucy is alive today. Rescued around 3 months ago, Lucy was found at a structure site in Bali where many dogs…

Greyhound Rescued From Racing Was Afraid Of Affection Until He Saw His Baby Brother

A greyhound named Mosley was 4 years of ages when he was rescued from the dog racing industry. The pooch was quickly provided a home by Scott…

Loudest Dog At Shelter Is Stunned Silent When He Sees His Dad Once Again

Goose’s bark has actually been deep, like a shout, since the staff at the Adopt An ANGEL Animal Sanctuary recognized him. ” His dog’s bark can win…

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Many people available treat their dogs like their children, but then there are others, who subjugate these sweet creatures to extremely inhumane conditions. Cala, the guard-dog of…

Meet This Tiny Oreo Cloud Who Will Ultimately Become A Giant 85-Pound Floof

This little puppy was nicknamed Oreo cloud and once you see his coat, you’ll immediately understand why. When Sara Hamilton shared pictures of her little boy on…

German Shepherd Rescued After Falling 12 Feet Into A Hole

All of us know that canines are resilient but a German Shepherd has taken it to the next level. It seems as if he fell down 12…

Feral Dog Losing Tears and Bowing Hands in Gratitude When Passersby Feed Him After Starving For Days

The poor dog was found eating near a park in Jinzhong, in China’s Shanxi province, in early December, composes pintiks Out of love for the orphaned animal…