Canine Blinded By means of Suspected Dogfighting Yearns For Cuddle Buddy & Loving Dwelling

In November, 108 children were rescued from the largest alleged dogfighting operation in Michigan.

They were an eyeless dog confined outside with just a broken-down doghouse for refuge.

Dinghy Nation, a Detroit-based animal welfare organization with a mission to end battles and save lives, saved all of the children with the assistance of volunteers.

Enforcement of civil and state laws.

A veterinarian examined the children and determined that the candy boy, who was simply eyeless, had most likely lost his sight as a result of battle trauma.

Jessica Brown is the Director of 

“We can’t imagine how traumatic it must have been for him to live there,” said operations at Bark Nation.

Outdoor, undefended by rudiments, and completely eyeless.”

He was given the name “Turkey Jerky Snack” (also known as the KING) and quickly accepted the hearts of the workers and levies.

Turkey is adapting to shelter life but would like to Find a permanent residence. He is putting his traumatic past behind him and is capable of loving someone unconditionally. 

Getting around a new place is difficult and beautiful when you can’t see, so Turkey has his own special cart that he rides in to go outside every day.

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