Brave Boys Fight Off Big Snake With Sticks And Leaves After It Wraps Itself Around Pet Dog And suffocate Him

Right here, three young boys boldly deal with a large snake that has encircled the lower body and rear legs of their favorite dog.

In a video, the two younger kids can be seen throwing huge leaves at the snake in an effort to get it to release their canine as the elder kid attempts to pin the snake’s head to the ground with what seems a metal table leg.

While its human friends fight the reptile, the canine seems much more confused than upset.

While his two friends try to unwind the snake, which first seems to be a difficult effort, the elder kid uses the pole to drive the snake’s head to the ground.

The snake’s hold eventually becomes too weak for the dog to run away, so they grab it by both ends and pull in various directions.

The dog appeared unharmed by the attack.

The elder kid then proudly raises the writhing snake by the head while staying silent.

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