Tiny Drug Detection Dog Is Doing His Job The Best He Can

Look out, would-be criminals there’s a new drug-detection dog in the area. And, well, he’s tiny. The other day, while passing through an airport in Colombia, passenger…

14 Year Old Dog Was Left Outside Of The Sanctuary With Her Toy

A 14 year old senior dog was left outside of the shelter with just a toy. Staff noticed her and brought her in and waited to see…

Tiny Puppy The Last Survivor Of Her Litter, Found Struggling Alone On The Road

A little puppy was found in the streets in serious need of help. The poor girl was dried out and parasite ridden all while fighting mange and…

Basset Hounds Stay With Dying Baby Till She Takes Her Final Breath

5 month old Nora Hall suffered a disastrous stroke, causing serious brain damage. It was after that determined that she was born with pulmonary high blood pressure….

Dog Who Was About to Be Adopted Rejected to Leave Her Best Friend Behind

Lucy and Sully are as faithful as they come. They satisfied at a sanctuary and became good friends, also going to a foster home together. When someone…

Forgotten Puppy Whose Brother Or Sisters Got Adopted, Attempts To Look after Himself In Waste

A poor dog called Gunnar was left once he was born as his mama’s owners could not afford to take care of him and his newborn siblings….

Bride’s Dying Dog Was Carried Down The Aisle, And There Wasn’t A Dry Eye

Kelly O’Connell’s wedding day will permanently be special in more ways than one. It’ll not just be kept in mind as the happiest day of her life…

Puppy Mill Dog Never Felt A Persons Touch, So Volunteer Gets In Kennel With Her

National Mill Dog Rescue took in a scared little Chihuahua with huge, floppy ears from a puppy mill where she spent three-and-a-half years of her life giving…

Baby Cried In Pain After Owner Left Her In Woods, Embraced Just Person Who Cared

A puppy this young must be liked and well-cared for. Actually, all animals deserve just that! But sadly, when a puppy, called Zarife, suffered an injury, her…

Owner Allows Their Pit Bulls To Be Put Down, But 88-Year-Old Neighbor Says “No”.

Zeek and Izzy are 2 Pit Bulls who had the misfortune of having a very neglectful and uncaring owner. The emaciated dogs were never fed by their…