Abandoned By His Mom, Panther Is Raised By A Human And A Rottweiler

Abandoned By His Mom, Panther Is Raised By A Human And A Rottweiler

Abandoned By His Mom, Panther Is Raised By A Human And A Rottweiler

An adorable panther located herself in an extremely difficult situation after being declined quickly after giving birth.

Alone in a Siberian zoo, the cute little thing was adopted by a beautiful lady and her dog. And things couldn’t be much better. She meets Luna the Panther.

Luna currently has a fantastic life bordered by the love of the woman that saved her life and the lovable Rottweiler that is her buddy. However, she was not constantly like this. When she was just a few days old, Luna was abandoned by her mother and her possibilities of survival from her were extremely slim. But the chances turned in her support when this lovely lady came across the kitty.

Victoria, that had previously raised and cared for other wild cats, fell in love with Luna and chose to help her. So she visited the zoo daily to feed and take care of the beautiful panther till she was solid and healthy enough. Nevertheless, after spending a lot time with Luna, the 31-year-old could not simply give her up and chose to make her part of her family. Victoria bought the panther at the zoo and took it home.

Since Victoria currently shared her home with Venza, a cute dog, she was afraid Luna and Venza wouldn’t get along so well. But she was so wrong that from their initial meeting the two appeared indivisible souls. They are currently good friends and like to play and check out things together all day. Luna is currently 10 months old and weighs over 45 pounds and she is certainly a very ruined kitten.

Victoria constantly posts cute photos of her two furry babies on social media. She has more than 2.2 million fans on TikTok alone and the number remains to expand, as is on Instagram, where the couple reached 179,000 followers.

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