A Heart Touching Moment How The Dog Says Goodbye To His Owner

When Ryan Jessen, 33, d.ied suddenly from a brain hemorrhage, medical personnel reacted in an unexpected manner.

“The hospital was extremely gracious to us, allowing us to bring my brother’s dog in to’say goodbye,’ so she could understand why her human never returned home.” Ryan’s sister Michelle wrote on Facebook, “If you knew my brother, you knew how much he loved his precious puppy.”

While the video of Ryan and his dog Molly’s touching moment was meant for their immediate family, it quickly went viral.

“Others’ stories, their participation in our grief, and the generosity of so many people have greatly impacted and humbled us,” Michelle writes.

Molly, Ryan’s heartbroken dog, is in good hands, according to Ryan’s sister: “Don’t worry about the dog!” We’re going to keep her!!! She is a member of the family.” Ryan’s donor heart is set to save the life of a 17-year-old just in time for Christmas, according to Michelle.

Watch the video below:

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